The private university integrated unit of Bashundhara Shuvosangho distributed blankets to cold-stricken residents of the remote Monpura island in Bhola on Friday, bringing relief to those in need.
Unit convener Shafayat Hossain led the initiative, handing over the blankets to helpless and impoverished residents.
“We are very happy that Bashundhara Group has provided blankets to the cold-stricken people of our Monpura,” said Rabeya Begum, a recipient of the donation.
Highlighting the organisation’s mission, Shafayat Hossain said, “Bashundhara Shuvosangho provides a platform to bring smiles to the faces of the cold-stricken people.”
Shuvosangho members Mir Abid Hossain, Md Zahid Hasan and Fazle Rabbi were also present during the distribution.
SOURCE : Daily Sunঅসচ্ছল নারীদের স্বপ্নপূরণে বসুন্ধরা গ্রুপ
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